Friday, August 5, 2011

The State of Florida is The Big Prize in The 2012 Election

Florida is the largest of the "swing" states in America , and it is the biggest prize in the 2012 election. Obama won Florida in 2008 , but Republican "Tea" party candidate Rick Scott was elected Governor in 2010. Republicans are pouring money into election campaigns, and The Republican National Committee is counting on their upcoming convention in Tampa to assure The Republican Party carries The State in The 2012 Election.

"We've got to win Florida to save this country and beat Barack Obama. There's no other way around it, " says The Republican National Committee Chairman.

Meanwhile , President Obama and his campaign advisers see Florida as the key to his re -election.

So it seems The State of Florida is "Ground Zero" in the crucial upcoming elections. In a state which leads the nation in bankruptcies and foreclosures, the economy is going to be the main issue. "I can't see how Barack Obama can possibly win Florida in 2012 given the fact that our economy is in a ditch and he drove it in the ditch," claims The Republican National Committee Chairman , echoing the falsehood put forth by FOX News, "Talk" Radio, & Koch Industries; but blaming Bush probably won't play well with Florida voters at this point in Obama's administration either. Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz , hand picked by the president to run The Democratic National Committee , says, " That's a bold statement coming from the chair of a party working to end Medicare as we know it and slash Social Security" ; a statement which should get the attention of Florida's legion of retired seniors - even those inclined to vote Republican.

Republicans even hope to defeat Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and gain even more seats in The House of Representatives. The first African-American Republican Congressman from Florida since 1876 , who was endorsed by Sarah Palin , was elected in 2010. Congressman Allen West , supported by The "Tea" Party Republicans , was quick to point to his campaign as a rebuttal to accusations Tea Bag Republicans are inherently racist. Congressman West became a member of The Congressional "Tea" Party Caucus in 2011 , and has made frequent appearances on FOX News.

West manages to stay a focus of national news for his absurd "comments" which are cheered on by "Tea" Party Republican extremists. The latest involves an ongoing "feud" he has with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz.

Despite having a Democratic majority of registered voters , Republicans dominate elections in Florida. Republicans solidified their dominance state-wide by winning the governor's mansion and maintained firm majorities in both houses of the state legislature. It would seem the only prayer Democratic candidates have in Florida to protect citizens from further exploitation and oppression from The "Tea" Party Republican Machine is to counter the propaganda with facts ,organize , and get out the votes. Like in 2000 , the future of The United States of America may depend on which way voters "swing" in Florida.

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