Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NRA Ad in Virginia

The NRA is airing a political ad in Virginia
which more resembles a "sit-com" than serious political campaigning.
Could this be a sign Republicans are getting desperate in Virginia?

The "ad" is hysterical in more ways than one.
It would be funny except it is no joke.
The Republicans are serious, and the McDonnell campaign,
which has praised George W. Bush and wants to continue
the failed economic policies which have ruined The U.S.
for many working Americans, is the latest example of
McDonnell's contempt
for the intelligence of the Virginia voters.

Apparently McDonnell was critical of undercover investigators
working for the City of New York,
who bought guns in violation of existing regulations
fromVirginia gun dealers.
Here is an excerpt from the ad:
"When Mayor Bloomberg got down here [to Virginia],
your guy, Bob McDonnell,
kicked him out of Virginia,
and it was very disrespectful.

[Perhaps it was.]
When you vote I strongly suggest
you forget about your freedoms
and your Mr. Second Amendment Bob McDonnell."

It is a clear case of conservative fear mongering
which has become so prevalent in Republican campaigns.
It also shows how out of touch McDonnell is because
many Virginia residents moved from New York to Virginia.
It is just one more example of the bigoted attitude Republican politicians
have toward working Virginians, whom McDonnell has been recorded as saying prefer
"welfare" to work.

It is time for Virginians to let Richmond know
they are serious about the mounting problems facing the state
as well as the nation, and if McDonnell and The Republicans are truly concerned
with "outsiders" influencing Virginia's elections,
indeed, they need to take a hard look at the list their own list of contributors.

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